Feedback and Maintaining Standards
We are constantly evaluating and developing our service and are very keen to improve our partnership with our customers. Upon joining us at Daisy Chain we ask new parents to complete a First Month Feedback Form, here we ask parents to provide feedback on whether the nursery is what they expected, if relationships with staff are strong and how they have found the settling in process. We also ask for suggestions on how we can improve the service we offer.
Annually we ask parents to spare a few minutes to share their thoughts and ideas with us in the form of an annual questionnaire. This gathers feedback on items relating to our organisation/management, child protection, child development and how we make a positive contribution to the wider community.
All feedback is acted upon and results of the annual questionnaire are published for all to see. We positively welcome suggestions on how we can further improve the great service we offer.
If you would like to give us some feedback, be it praise or a concern, we’d be more that happy to hear it and act accordingly.
Please use the form below to submit your feedback: